Friday, March 2, 2012

Genocide Part 4

1. In what ways did genocide impact the development of the "developing" country?
There was no government to run hospitals, schools, shelters, food programs, or factories. Public utilities like telephones, electricity and water were not usable.

2. Where does the rebuilding of a country shattered by genocide begin? What can the people do? What can the government do? What can the international community do?
They first rebuilt a government, then they rebuilt education, health, and economic systems in the years after. People can't do much they just need to try and do as much as possible on their own. The government is doing what it can by creating, schools and hospitals and such.

3. How can justice be found in post-genocide Rwanda?
Justice can be found by making legal punishments and prosecution for the people who are responsible for the genocide.

4. Which can bring justice to the people of Rwanda more effectively - international courts or community courts? Explain.
I think that community courts can bring more justice to Rwanda because the punishments would be more like prosecution which would give some people closure and these people would no longer be apart of the community.

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