Monday, September 26, 2011


1. What role have natural resources played in the politics and economy of the Middle East?
Petroleum fields dominate the nations economy.

2. Describe the country's physical geography.
Strategic location one of the world's most active shipping lanes is near.

3. What is the climate?
Mostly desert, it is hot and humid along the west coast. Very hot, dry and harsh desert in the east.

4. Does this country have a fresh water supply?
Yes rivers.

5. What industries does this country support?
Crude oil production and petroleum refining.

6. What international issues is the country currently facing?
They are protesting Saudi erection of concrete filled pipe as a security barrier.

7. What is the population of the country? What is the average lifespan for women and men?
23,580,220 people in Yemen. Male lifespan is 59.89 years old. Women lifespan is 63.71 years old.

8. What is the countries GDP? What is the GDP per capital?
$26.37 Billion. $1,118.

9. How much oil and natural gas does the country possess? What other natural resources are there?
11.9 million barrels of oil. 478.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Other natural resources are gold.

10. What percentage of the land is arable? What percentage of the gross domestic product is contributed by agriculture? What crops are grown?
2.9% of land is arable. 8.2% of the gross domestic product is contributed by agriculture. Grain, fruits, vegetables, qat, coffee, cotton, dairy products, poultry, beef and fish.

11. How much does the country import? Export? What are the major imports/exports?
$8.35 billion in imports. $7.535 billion in exports. Major imports are textiles, petroleum products, fuel oils, and cement. Major exports are crude petroleum, refined oil products, seafood, and tobacco products.

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